Interdependency: Step Out & Achieve (Part 3)

Create the Synergy –

Not too many years ago, I decided to invest my time and resources in helping someone. It was something that I was led by the Lord to do. Although God had shown me that the answers that I needed to go forward in my business would be in the interdependencies, I thought helping this person may involve more giving on my part than receiving of answers.

I could not have been more wrong.

The lessons that I learned during that time are still a benefit to me today. It would be true to say that those things enabled me to rapidly expand my business in a new direction, and I still haven’t put to work everything that I learned during that time.

Over the years, I’ve created many interdependencies and synergies. Because of these, I learned about blogging, radio interviews, webinars, seminars, and workshops. I learned about CRMs – otherwise known as customer relationship management systems, and I learned about audio programs. I learned how to get a book published, and I joined Toastmasters. The list goes on. Yes, I could have paused and studied and found out much of the information myself, but we learn best from others and with others.

As good as that may sound, even greater synergy can be created among a group of people who are pursuing similar paths. I have a group of friends that all want to achieve about the same thing. We are slightly different yet overlapping in our goals. We are diverse in our learning, and we are able to answer each other’s questions. Although, the more learned and more skilled appear to have more to offer, that’s not always the case. Our group sometimes finds that what a person lacks in knowledge is offset by experience and contacts. All have something to offer. All benefit from the synergy created.

It might surprise you to know that the friends I mentioned are speakers, and writers. You might think there’d be some competition amongst us! You might think that we’d not want to work together because we all want speaking engagements and / or opportunities to sell books.

In reality, we are all benefiting because our audiences are somewhat diverse. And when they do overlap, we share the opportunities we find. The result of the synergy is that we are all growing our businesses with the support of the group. The low-tech folks are becoming more hi-tech. The hi-tech folks are learning how to create systems. Everyone is sharing what they have learned through experience.

It is a true interdependency? Are we truly creating something that is bigger than we might otherwise create? Yes, and because of the synergy it’s even better than it might otherwise be.

With interdependencies and synergy, one plus one is often much more than three!

But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:6-7


Your challenge is to build supercharged interdependencies by finding partners and creating synergy. Interdependencies can be among folks as diverse as an ice cream maker and a waffle maker, but they can also be among folks in the same profession. Take an inventory of the skills God has given you. Ask yourself whom you can help, and who can help you. Then, step out and start making those supercharged interdependencies today!

Your Big Challenge

Be willing to offer help, but also be willing to ask and receive help. Shelve your fear of being used. No relationship is really ever 50-50. Sometimes it may look like 90-10 to the onlooker, but the benefit may really be the other way around. Choose your relationships carefully. Then, focus on giving more than getting. Remember, you will reap what you sow.

When looking to form interdependencies, think in terms of what would be mutually beneficial to you and your partners. Try to supercharge the interdependency with relationships what would naturally have synergy. Those that can help you the most and those you can help the most just might be those whose profession is most like yours. Don’t be afraid to form contacts that do nearly the same thing that you do.